Essa Shawrdi, from the village of Kocho, Iraq, holds photos of missing relatives he has been trying to find since ISIS invaded their village in 2014. ISIS killed more than 500 Yazidis in the village, part of a campaign to exterminate the minority group, and kidnapped hundreds more. Overall, more than 6,000 Yazidis were believed taken captive and almost 3,000 are estimated to still be missing.

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Essa Shawrdi, from the village of Kocho, Iraq, holds photos of missing relatives he has been trying to find since ISIS invaded their village in 2014. ISIS killed more than 500 Yazidis in the village, part of a campaign to exterminate the minority group, and kidnapped hundreds more. Overall, more than 6,000 Yazidis were believed taken captive and almost 3,000 are estimated to still be missing.

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