Jax Musician Jay Myztroh Remembers His Friend and Collaborator, the late Paten Locke

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Introduction by Mr. Al Pete Music has a magical way of forging relationships. They say that the word is bond. Well, the music that matches the word makes this grip a steadfast one.  In particular, hip hop is known for having a dynamic way of bragging about who’s the best and who does it cooler. The cool aspect gets as …

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Jacksonville Concert Promoter Tib Miller had an Insatiable Need to Share Music

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Jacksonville’s creative community lost an integral, if not low-key, impresario this week.  If you’ve been to a concert in Northeast Florida and seen a band that surprised you, or if you bought tickets to a show and thought, “Wow, I can’t believe this artist is coming to Jacksonville,” it’s likely that Tib Miller booked it. For nearly 25 years, working under …

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Low’s Mimi Parker had a Voice that Let the Light In

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Mimi Parker died Saturday, but her voice rings out in the present tense. It’s eternal, radiant. It’s a warm, fragile thing, that voice. It shimmers warmly but cuts through the din like a spotlight. It wavers but holds focus. For just one example across nearly three decades of music, listen to “The Plan,” from Low‘s 1996 album The Curtain Hits …

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