Join WJCT and Journey Films as we host the First Coast premiere of ‘CHAPLAINS’, a new 2-hour documentary film that takes the viewer into the dynamic world of chaplains – men and women who represent their own particular faith tradition but are trained to be of comfort and support to everyone – religious or not. With a tradition dating back centuries, chaplains today are on the front lines – often in the midst of life and death situations – where the questions are the deepest and the need for spiritual and pastoral care the greatest.
- 6:00PM – Reception
- 7:00PM – Screening
- 8:00PM – Presentation by film director, Martin Doblmeier
The event is free, but seating is limited.
[call_to_action background_color=”gray” background_pattern=”stripes-dark” button_color=”blue” button_text=”Click Here!” button_url=”http://chaplainspremiere.eventbrite.com” color=”” new_window=”” text_color=”000000″]Reserve your tickets today![/call_to_action]When
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
WJCT Studios
100 Festival Park Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
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