Installed Plugins
- Ad Inserter
- Advanced Database Cleaner PRO
- Autoptimize [deactivated]
- Booking Calendar [deactivated]
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Manager
- Bulk Delete
- BWL Pro Voting Manager [deactivated]
- Category Tag Pages
- Custom Post Type Permalinks
- DX Delete Attached Media
- Enable Media Replace
- Events Manager
- Extension - Leaflet.Locate
- Extensions for Leaflet Map
- Feedzy RSS Feeds Lite
- GTM4WP - A Google Tag Manager (GTM) plugin for WordPress
- Helpie FAQ
- Highlight and Share
- Jetpack
- Leaflet Map
- Native PHP Sessions for WordPress
- NPR Story API
- Object Cache Pro
- OptinMonster
- Pantheon Advanced Page Cache
- Plugin Check (PCP)
- Post SMTP
- Post Type Switcher
- PublishPress Future
- Query Wrangler
- Query Wrangler Responsive Grid
- Recaptcha Addon For BWL Pro Voting Manager [deactivated]
- Redirection
- Regenerate Thumbnails Advanced
- Revision Control
- Simple Weather
- Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel
- Slide Anything PRO - Modal Popups for Slide Anything
- Slider Revolution
- The Grid
- This Day In History
- TuneGenie Media Player Bar [deactivated]
- WJCT Composer Now Playing Shortcode
- WJCT Extensions
- WJCT Newscast Automator
- WJCT TV Schedule Widgets
- WordPress Importer
- WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache
- WP-Sweep
- WP Crontrol
- WPForms
- WPForms Form Abandonment
- WPForms Geolocation
- WPForms Mailchimp
- WPForms Post Submissions
- WPForms Save and Resume
- WPForms Stripe Pro
- WPForms Surveys and Polls
- WPForms User Journey
- WPForms Webhooks
- Yoast SEO